Sunday, February 10, 2008


In general I have to say I like weddings, they are usually a good day out especially if it's a family wedding or that of a close friend. I don't like weddings today at all and I don't care whose it is.
You see i work in the Ballymascanlon House Hotel and today was our wedding fayre. It's now 8.00pm and I have spent the entire day talking to brides. Don't get me wrong I like being nice to people after all I'm a receptionist, it's my job to be nice and polite, but after you hear the words, " I'm getting married here" a thousand times in one day it is pretty hard not to say " I don't care, I don't care who your band is , what flowers you are having or especially that you have lots of friends coming up from Galway , Sligo or wherever and that you need more rooms. The fact is we only sell rooms on a two night basis at the weekend and you have already got your twenty five rooms for one night, so your not getting any more!. Sadly I cant do that, well I could but the probability of me getting fired would be pretty high. Therefore I just sat and listened to them giving out and then once again tried to explain why I couldn't give them any more rooms.
Thankfully we only have a wedding fayre once a year and I'll never have that many brides in one day again, at least not until the next one.

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