Thursday, January 24, 2008

P.S. I Love You

Have you seen the film? I thought it was very good, I laughed a lot during the film but in fairness cried a lot more. Maybe someone should have told Cecilia Ahern that she should have put a health warning on that film IE this film is not suitable for any person who has lost a partner in recent years due to its extreme ability to drag up every memory you have of that terrible time you went through, thoughts and feelings you thought you have safely tucked away to be brought out only when your ready for them, not in the middle of the cinema where people are looking at you funny because your crying uncontrollably , and I mean it is uncontrollable you just cant stop it. Some of you might think duh did you not read the book? Well I did but that was before my partner died and anyway its been two and a half years I thought Id come along way , obviously not ! ! Any thoughts?. P.s here's a wee clip